Monday, September 7, 2009

The Blogging Elite

Since I began my blogging journey I've found that there is this hierarchy of bloggers. I call them "The Blogging Elite." These bloggers are profound in every aspect. Aesthetically their blogs are pleasing to look at. The content is meaningful and thought provoking. These blogs are constant with new updates almost daily. The writing is superb and at times I feel inadequate as a new blogger. Am I jealous? I think so!

The one common aspect of most of the blogging elite is that they have been blogging for years and none of them use the common layouts that is offered by blog spot. Is there a blog designer or are they all artistically superior as well? I want to know! How can I change the appearance of my blog? In addition, they all know each other and follow the same blogs of elite quality.

How does a little old School Bus Driver like me become a part of this blogging elite? How do I get people to read my blog when I don't fit onto the "list".

All this jealousy started this morning when I was reading a post by a well known elite who posted a list of his favorite blogs and broke them up into categories of how badly he needs them in his life. I am one of only maybe 30 followers to his newest blog and I doubt he has even read my blog so how would he even know if mine is deserving of his approval.

My final words are THANK YOU to my one follower who is on MY LIST of blogging elite and please keep reading my blog and offering any critique you feel necessary!


  1. So... this is SUCH a clever post & you have the most gorgeously brilliant site here. It's all perfect !

    I had to stop by to leave this comment for you – and to say hello of course ! Thank you for sharing it all and have a great Sunday....

  2. I love your stuff Missy. I mean seriously who doesn't love a Bus Driver! :-) When you figure out how to be the blogging elite let me know. I want to know how you become a blogger of Note that is the pinnacle.
