Sunday, August 1, 2010

Following through...

Writing is something I enjoy on a very personal level. I created this blog wanting to create a routine for myself. If I have a captive audience reading my posts I have to write often. Don't I? Well once I realized that gaining a captive audience was a ridiculous thought, especially with all the amazing and interesting blogs being published, I talked myself out of it. So rather than following through with my thought, I quit. However, I never deleted it! I left it here as a reminder to myself. I'm not going to beat myself up for not posting for almost an entire year, I am going to commend myself for coming back to it after a year. And although my thought process has changed and my blog content may change as well, I am still going to follow through with it.

So what does this blog mean to me? It means that I have to learn how to follow through with my ideas and see where they take me. I have so many great ideas that I never follow through with it's frightening. Ideas that just remain ideas instead of potential seeds for something amazing. So instead of worrying about who is reading my blog, I'll focus on just writing decent and interesting content that is satisfying to write.